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School Improvement Approach

School Improvement Processes

We have a shared approach to school improvement planning using agreed templates that support us to plan strategically for improvement at a school level and MAT level

  • Implementation Plans
  • School Improvement Plans
  • School Evaluation Forms
  • Teacher Matrix

These identify needs for staff training (joint staff meetings occur where needs are the same). School will get leadership support from SI lead and CEO with SEF and SIP writing and review. Robust Teaching and Learning reviews will take place across schools.

School to School Support

Schools work together, challenging each other through peer coaching and professional dialogue to strategically support MAT priorities.

Termly strategic school improvement meetings for Maths, English, SENDCo, EYFS and Curriculum leads to share research based best practice, and identify support.

Termly networks meetings for all subjects.

Moderation opportunities across the MAT.

Experts from within the Trust are

deployed across the MAT to support identified priorities.

Staff Development

Educational leaders to have access to coaching for their own development from either within school or from the strategic school improvement lead. All schools will have a cycle of support in place for all educational staff through a combination Teaching Reviews and an Instructional coaching model which will incorporate the teaching matrix. Talent Management opportunities will develop and progress staff in order to succession plan across the MAT through analysis of expertise where possible. Identified opportunities for peer to peer support. Committed opportunities to complete national professional qualifications. Excellent CPLD opportunities aligned to MAT priorities.


School Improvement Core Purpose:

‘To continually improve education outcomes across the trust’


Curriculum and Assessment Development

Closer alignment of data systems across the MAT which allows to identify priorities (from individuals, whole school to MAT-wide).

Shared opportunities for curriculum enhancement through sharing good practice to reflect the curriculum intent in line with the MAT’s core values

We will enhance the extra-curricular opportunities across the MAT through robust analysis to meet the needs of our pupils.


The Executive Leadership Group will meet regularly to make decisions on areas of school improvement and identified school priorities. The group will consist of all HT’s, the CEO, the COFO and the SSIL.

Regular communication with and between strategic school leaders to support with statutory obligations, priorities and strategic planning

Governance support and training delivered by school improvement lead and external organisations.

Governance cycle to support with statutory obligations, priorities and strategic planning.

Ethos and Values

Through our shared ethos values all our young people are valued, visible and fully included in our curriculum and community.

We complete the following activities or strategies to support this:

  • Pupil Voice
  • Zones of regulation
  • Children’s University
  • Collaborative Learning Structures (Kagan)
  • Agreed approach to attendance
  • Therapeutic interventions