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Our Vision

‘Together we flourish’

For the children, families, staff and all those that form our school communities to be empowered and enabled to be the very best they can be.


In order to achieve our vision, the Trust has agreed a set of guiding principles.  We will:

  • Celebrate each school’s distinctive identity whilst developing collective strength
  • Ensure continuous improvement through collaboration, empowerment, challenge and support
  • Ensure financial sustainability and demonstrate legal compliance
  • Work together in a mutually supportive culture of trust, transparency and teamwork

Core Purpose

What we aim to achieve for our pupils
  • To feel safe, happy and secure in their school environment in order to thrive
  • To enjoy their learning, have high expectations and aspirations and be resilient individuals
  • To understand the importance of good health and emotional well-being, engage positively with support and thrive in their emotional development
  • Be able to confidently collaborate with others, have empathy for others and be self-assured and confident
  • To be critical and independent thinkers, always be prepared for the next stage of their education and become successful citizens
  • To have access to a range of learning and skills-based opportunities both within the classroom and beyond, in order to broaden their experiences and find their talents
What we aim to achieve for our families
  • To be welcomed in school and be valued members of our Trust community, with the opportunity for their voices to be heard
  • To have high aspirations for their child/children to flourish in all areas of school life
  • To have regular and consistent access to information about their child and the school
  • To be well supported with particular needs and be relevantly signposted for extra support
  • To feel empowered to support their child/children both academically and emotionally
  • To feel safe and secure that the school has the best interests of their child/children at all times
What we aim to achieve for our workforce
  • To have a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities and what they are held accountable for
  • To have high professional expectations of themselves and of their colleagues
  • To have a manageable workload and to have positive well-being
  • To feel empowered and supported with all of the tools and skills required at all stages of their career
  • To have access to the best quality professional development and support for continuous improvement
  • To have the opportunities and support to fulfil career aspirations
  • To have opportunities to collaborate and work with colleagues across the Trust and beyond
  • To work in an environment where everyone is valued and where everyone positively contributes to the organisation