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Prosper Together Multi Academy Trust is the Admissions Authority for the Trust schools.  The Admissions Policy for each school is subject to a statutory public consultation and conforms to the 2021 Schools Admissions Code and the law relating to school admissions.

We are committed to considering all applications fairly and equally.

Admissions Policy

Please click on the school below for a link to the admission policy and process:

Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School

Castle Bromwich Junior School

Fordbridge Community Primary School

Windy Arbor Primary School

How to Apply

If you would like to apply to one of our academies as part of the normal admissions round (Reception for Infant and Primary schools or Year 3 for Junior schools), then please do so via the Local Authority where you live.


Please see the school’s admissions policy for details of how to apply in-year.


Details of the application process can be found by clicking on the appropriate Local Authority below:

Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council

Birmingham City Council

Admissions Consultation